Fairs CT

     2025 Health and Wellness  EXPOS

Mar. 16, May 4, Sept. 16, & Oct. 19

 Wellness offerings, Health options, Crystals, Jewelry, LOCAL crafters, and Local and national businesses accepted at these events

10am-4pm–FREE LECTURES, FREE RAFFLES , FREE PARKING, KEYNOTE SPEAKER AT 1:00PM..GRAND PRIZE–Overnight stay at Hilton with Breakfast for 2!!  4pm-5pm–Soundscape Collective with Katie Cavanagh  ( free event interactive in the Atrium–bring your drum or percussion items)

The Next VFW (in Plainville) EXPOS will be Mar. 16, and Sept.21, 2025 at 7 Northwest Drive Plainville, CT 06062  from 12pm-4pm  ( VFW Hall ) with indoor and OUTDOOR booths available.

          on  FACEBOOK: YourHolisticEvents

Exhibitors & Vendors apply here  https://www.yourholisticevents.com/new/fairs-vendorspeaker-application

Events are on SUNDAYS.  ( VFW & Bristol DoubleTree by Hilton)

VFW in Plainville EXPOs at 7 Northwest Drive from 12pm-4pm  ( VFW Hall ) with indoor and OUTDOOR booths available.

DoubleTree by Hilton EXPO   ( Spring & Fall) 

        Next 2 EXPOS at Hilton —  May 4, 2025  & Oct. 19, 2025

     10am-4pm at the Bristol DoubleTree by Hilton

( Our 2024 EXPOs were in May and October and we are back to pre-pandemic attendance numbers).  Our target audience is health and wellness interests and the general public of all ages. Over 250 attendees at the VFW and over 1000 attendees at the Doubletree by Hilton EXPO’s. 

We have been hosting holistic events** for the last 30+ years and has over 35 years in the holistic community connecting people with many modalities and teachings by numerous practitioners. Our passion is to introduce people to their empowerment options for growth/health and optimal wellness. As the Executive Director of The Holistic Community Professionals, we look to bring the best offerings of products and practitioners  to the public. **Be aware of scammers attempting to divert payments for exhibitor booths. Do NOT send payments to any links other than the ones we send you once you are approved as a vendor for an event.  Thanks!!

CONTACT:  Shirley R. Bloethe 860-989-0033 or YourHolisticEvents@gmail.com

ACCEPTING VENDORS for ALL modalities/products/services.   Reflexology, Readers, Tai Chi, Massage, Healers, Books, Authors, Crystals, Angel & Tarot cards, Jewelry, Reiki, Essential Oils, Natural Personal Care Products, Hypnosis, Natural Wellness Supplements, Vegetarian Foods, Crystals, Naturopath, Chiropractor, Organic Pet products, Organic  Skincare, and more….

Attendees ( over  1,000 ) at the EXPO range in age from older teens and young parents to active health conscious adults both men and women

VENDORS APPLY HERE: https://www.yourholisticevents.com/new/fairs-vendorspeaker-application/

Sending you wishes for wellness and good health, Always & ALLWAYS!!
Shirley R Bloethe

Once the vendor application is accepted, each speaker/exhibitor/vendor has agreed to vendors details and cancellation policy as stated on the website as our agreement for all events and hold harmless Pass It On, LLC /Shirley R Bloethe for any reason.

*The information presented on this site and vendors or participants at the events presented is provided for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement for any individual, practice, or modality. The purpose of this site and associated links is to provide options to the general public. The general public will then make their own decisions based on medical necessity, efficacy, and personal choice for health care. Holistic health or spiritual modalities should not be used as a substitute for physical evaluation and/or treatment by a health care professional, but as complementary or supplemental treatment. There is no statement made herein as to therapeutic efficacy. Pass It On, LLC or Shirley R Bloethe and/or this website shall bear no liability whatsoever for direct or indirect, special or consequential damages relating in any way to the use of information provided on this site, or resulting from any defects or failure of this information. Consumers are urged to evaluate practitioners and modalities thoroughly and make well-informed decisions regarding their physical, emotional and psychological health.